Tim Farron slams decision to press ahead with hospital ward closures

South Lakes MP Tim Farron has criticised local health bosses for deciding to go ahead with controversial plans to close hospital wards in Kendal and Barrow.
Last week, the University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust announced they would be revising some of their plans to change the layout of beds at some of their hospitals.
However the Trust confirmed they will still be closing Abbey View in Barrow which currently delivers both rehab and some palliative care services, and also Ward 6 at Westmorland General Hospital.
It comes as shocking new figures from the Trust show that a third of all beds at the Royal Lancaster Infirmary and a quarter of all beds at Furness General Hospital are currently occupied by patients ‘Not Meeting the Criteria to Reside’.
Speaking today Tim said: “I’m appalled that health bosses are ploughing ahead with plans to close hospital wards in Kendal and Barrow.
“At a time when a sizeable proportion of our hospital beds are filled with patients who are medically fit enough to leave hospital but don’t have access to adequate care at home, it is absolutely bananas for health bosses to close rehab wards which are perfectly placed to support those patients, and to free up other beds for patients coming through A&E.
“And this is all being done without any consultation with local residents.
“Well the public can make their voice heard loud and clear by signing our petition opposing these plans today.”
Tim’s petition can be signed here.